How to choose your Ph.D. topic and become an influential thought leader

Friday 7 October 2022

from 12:00 to 13:00


To truly create a positive impact in your field and expand your spheres of influence, there comes a point where producing in-depth research is the only solution. The Global Executive Ph.D. is an elite programme for seasoned professionals that will allow you to achieve this objective and bridge the gap between the academic and business worlds. 

While the “what” is clear, the “how” can elude even the most high-profile executives to whom the behind-the-scenes academic world is novel. Join us for this webinar where Professor Frédéric Fréry (Academic Director of the Global Executive Ph.D.), Margot Drancourt-de Lasteyrie (Director of the Global Executive Ph.D.) and current participants will answer your questions, including: 

  • How do you identify a topic worthy of your attention, time, and prolonged effort? 
  • How do you produce research of the highest quality that is of value to both the academic and business worlds? 
  • How can you work with a world-renowned professor on an issue of interest to you and your organisation?
Frédéric Fréry

Frédéric Fréry

Professor of Strategic Managment of the Global Executive Ph.D.

ESCP Business School

Margot Drancourt - de Lasteyrie

Margot Drancourt - de Lasteyrie

Directrice Executive Ph.D.


Ambra Boccaccini

Ambra Boccaccini



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