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Disrupting the Hotel Industry

Interested in what’s going on in the hotel industry today and how it might evolve? Sign up and participate in this open discussion between architecture professionals and those in the hotel industry on the innovative future of designing hotels.

In an Airbnb era what do customers expect from a night's stay and how can hotels and designers respond to such needs?

Participating professionals are Nick de Klerk, Associate Architect at Aukett Swanke, Joe Butler, Event Manager at Sleep and Jack Ezon, president and partner in Ovation Vacations, specializing in luxury travel experiences.

**You'll need Adobe Flash Player for this webinar**

What will be covered in this Webinar?

  • What’s been driving hotel design up to today and why it’s changing
  • What’s currently going on in the hotel industry
  • The relationship between professionals in the hotel industry and architecture professionals
  • Existing challenges for architecture professionals working on hotel designs, seeking to add innovation to their work
  • Where might we find room for improvement

Is this Webinar for you?

Whether you’re an active member of the hotel industry, an architect professional focused on hotel design, a businessman whose schedule hits international marks or the average globe-trotter looking for the perfect experience, you are a part of the recipe for current and future hotel designs.

Join us to find out more on what’s been driving hotel design and where it’s headed. Have your own point of view? Let us know during the discussion. Have some pointed questions? Ask our participating experts during the webinar.

Disrupting the Hotel Industry

Conference animated by :

Monday, March 13th 2017

from 16:00 to 16:45


13 subscribers | 45 mins

Subscription 100% free

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