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Drug biodistribution & efficacy: how can radiolabeling a molecule make the difference?

Discover & learn during this webinar how to: 

  • Design & implement radionuclide labeling of your chemical or biological molecules of interest
  • Set-up a biodistribution of therapeutic drugs using non-invasive techniques
  • Develop a translational nuclear medicine biomarkers
  • Assess a targeted radiotherapy efficacy
About our speaker Cyril Berthet
Cyril Berthet is Pharmaco-imaging Unit Director & Director of Pharmimage Operations at Oncodesign. He holds a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Lyon, France. In 2002, he joined the Mouse Cancer Genetics Program at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, US as a Research Associate. He joined Oncodesign in 2007 as a project leader and now manages strategic partnerships in therapeutic and biomarker discovery.

Conference animated by :

Cyril Berthet

Cyril Berthet

Pharmaco-imaging Unit Director & Director of Pharmimage Operations,


Christa Vitrouil

Christa Vitrouil

Business & Marketing,


Florence Fombertasse

Florence Fombertasse

Marketing & Communication Manager,


Thursday, July 12th 2018

from 17:00 to 17:45


44 subscribers | 45 mins

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