
How to effectively manage your construction projects?

Mezzoteam Pack is our turnkey solution chosen by the majority of construction projects in France.

Our customers have adopted Mezzoteam Pack for two main reasons:

  • Mezzoteam Pack facilitates and optimises the work of site supervisors and project managers.
  • Its ease and speed of implementation are a real asset to the project.

During this webinar, you will discover which key criteria of a CDE (Common Data Environment) will enable you to gain in efficiency:

  • Structure & centralise all information and facilitate collaboration
  • Monitor and steer your project using tools tailored to your needs, such as dashboards and provisional lists of documents
  • Easily integrate BIM into your processes

This webinar will help you to understand the key elements you need to put in place to ensure the success of your construction project.

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Wednesday, July 10th 2024

from 10:30 to 11:00


17 subscribers | 30 mins

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