
ATA 24 & opportunities : Build innovative electrical architectures with standardized Push Fit circuit breakers.

Discover in this webinar how standardized components can be used to build  innovative electrical architectures (ATA24: Primary & Secondary Power Distribution).


Harsh environment found in the aircraft industry and armored vehicles industry are two clear opportunities to increase reliability and streamline manufacturing with standard parts.

Based on the example of EN push-fit circuit breakers, we will detail what components you need : Circuit Breaker Monitoring Units (CBMUs) ,EN Circuit Breaker, Printed Wire Board (PWB))  and how to assemble them. Join us for 30 minutes. You’ll see how standards -which could be considered first as a constraint - can finally drive innovation and productivity.


Also we will go through the benefits (clarity, communication, …) and set-backs (collective agreement, third party inspection and test...) of product standardization in the aerospace industry.

As standards become more and more specialized (by components, by technologies …), experts and industrial actors gather their skills in workgroups.

In this context with an increasing demand for reliability and streamlined production, get to know more for instance about the way standardization and sharing of product manufacturing specifications can generate new competition opportunities.

Conference animated by :

Dominique MEUX

Dominique MEUX

Offer Creation Manager,


Tuesday, May 22nd 2018

from 17:00 to 17:30


8 subscribers | 30 mins

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