
Macro trends, local trends? Consumers expectation post Covid 19

Nothing will change, everything will be different?  What can we expect in terms of consumer behaviors post Covid 19?  Will we still have global trends or an increase of regional if not national trends?  C Beauty seems to be booming while it is still uncertain how European and US consumers will emerge from weeks of lockdown? Two experts in beauty trend analysis will share their views and we will conclude with the opinion of a major beauty brand.

Conference animated by :

Charles-Emmanuel Gounod

Charles-Emmanuel Gounod

CEO & Foundateur,

Beautyworld Connexions sprl

Michelle Algazi

Michelle Algazi

Insights Crafter,


Eric Briones

Eric Briones



Thursday, June 18th 2020

from 17:00 to 18:00


57 subscribers | 60 mins

Subscription 100% free

Chat zone to ask your questions

On-demand webinar