
Vacation Rentals: how to attract business travellers online?

Business travel represented 15% of the global tourism economy in 2015 with 1,18 trillion dollars U.S*. The choice of accommodation is made early in the business travel organisation and corresponds to the second spending item.

Even though companies tend to chose hotels (in 98,2% of the cases** as their preferred accommodation, business travel is a real opportunity for vacation rentals too. Business travellers are on the rise and online distribution can be an answer to capture the demand. Airbnb and MagicStay have understood the interest of such a target and propose special services dedicated to business travellers.

Business travellers search to answer various needs while organising their stay, such as travel motivation, destination, length of stay, travel frequency... and Internet has become the first tool to be used for business travel organisation. The various criteria can be used as a leverage by vacation rental owners/managers to attract professionals.  This webinar aims to give you some tips on how to combine them with a sharp online distribution strategy.


1/ "Business e-tourism"

2/ Adapt your offer to Business travellers' needs 

3/ Capture the demand on the online distribution platforms


Audience : vacation rentals, smal and medium capacity hotels.




Conference animated by :

Thursday, July 28th 2016

from 17:00 to 17:30


2 subscribers | 30 mins

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